AKA everything you always wanted to know about rss feeds but were too afraid to ask...although I could not actually get the video about feeds to play!
Some time later...aargh...TGIF...ok, I managed the part about creating the account in Bloglines; also added a number of feeds to my account - a combination of library and literary stuff, but balanced by a daily Dilbert comic strip (surely he has worked for the government!). When it came to add the OPAL training blog, I shall simply say I had an immense amount of trouble figuring out how to do that, but persistence (and no small amount of cursing) paid off eventually (plus Mary K did not answer her phone), and now I have added it twice, BUT I DON'T CARE.
I imagine RSS feeds will work for me in a similar way as following various institutions on Twitter does - saving time logging into a whole lot of different websites - as long as I remember to log in to Bloglines regularly.
Thus endeth the 5 th lesson. Amen to that.