Monday, April 27, 2009


I subscribe to a number of WetPaint wikis; namely Booklust (inspired by Nancy Pearl's visit to SLQ in 2006), and a couple related to rhyme time matters - CSWyong, and Sturgis Kids. I often pick up good ideas for my singing repetoire on these wikis, and I actually contributed to Sturgis Kids recently with some suggestions for suitable songs for "signing". I might not have done that without the prompt of L2TD.
I checked out several of the suggested wikis; my favourite was Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. It is an excellent resource for public librarians, with information ranging from collection management to readers advisory. I was interested to see that Queensland author Karen Foxlee's "The Anatomy of Wings" was one of the most requested titles for book discussion groups.
After looking at the SLQ wiki, I signed up to Delicious, which in turn led me to some useful information about the uses of Twitter, which I have passed on to some friends and colleagues.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny
    Thanks for the idea of Booklust. I am interested in looking at some of the Favourite Book Club Books list. Noticed some are YA. I like to read that genre. Also need to break out of my Short Stories. One story I'm I asleep.
